A guided tour of the organization and of how to contribute
Funding Options Liberapay Patreon Funds are used to pay developers and will help very much to improve this project. Discussion Zulip is used for player, funder, and developer discussion. You can look around the development circles such as dev-gamedev to find some threads that streamline contribution. For other kinds of contributions, please introduce yourself along with your skills or what you’re interested in working on in new-members. Repositories Codeberg stores the source code and other repositories. You can contribute through it by filing issues or using git.
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174 words
January 2025
Blueprint for a Revolution in the Reproduction of Practical Knowledge
An outline of the philosophy, theory, and design of Super Practica in as brief as I could put it [PDF]
Table of Contents Notices Synopsis Introduction 1 2 1: What Kind of Game is Mathematics? 1.1: Mathematics is a game 1.2: Gameplay 1 – Setup 1.3: Gameplay 2 – Solution 1.4: The nature of insight 1.5: Rules 1 – Actions and states 1.6: Rules 2 – Puzzles and procedures 1.7: Rules 3 - Interconnection 1.8: Goals 1.9: Verification 1 – Reliability 1.10: Verification 2 – Structure 1.11: Verification 3 – Confidence 1.12: The game of mathematics 1.13: Introducing Super Practica A 2: Redesign of Mathematics to be Easy to Play 2.1: Mechanization 1 – Introduction 2.2: Mechanization 2 – Requirements 2.3: Usability 1 2.4: Playability 2 2.5: The pimnet system 2.6: Interaction 2.7: Pims 2.8: Pims together 2.9: Interconnections 1 – Objects 2.10: Interconnections 2 – Symbols 2.11: Interconnections 3 – Translation 2.12: Level-start 2.13: Level-end 2.14: Design problems 2.15: Introducing the theory 3: Fundamentals of Practical Knowledge 3.1: The nature of imagination 3.2: Ecological habituation 3.3: Practical knowledge 3.4: Specification of practical knowledge 3.5: How you learn to play a game 3.6: Contrast with educational theories 1 3.7: Contrast with educational theories 2 3.8: The true value of rules 3.9: Continuous correction 3.10: Suggestive signaling 3.11: Modeling 3.12: The true value of instruction 3.13: Game-plans 3.14: The true value of teaching 3.15: The optimal method 1 – A start 4: Measurement of Practical Knowledge 4.1: The value of measurement 4.2: The true measure of mathematical knowledge 4.3: The optimal test 4.4: How not to well-design a simulation 4.5: Transferability 4.6: How to well-design a simulation 1 4.7: How to well-design a simulation 2 4.8: The sufficiency of simulation 4.9: Introducing Super Practica B 5: Simulation of the Situations of Expert Mathematical Practice 5.1: The nature of application 1 – Problems and solutions 5.2: The nature of application 2 – Sequence 5.3: The nature of application 3 – Complications 5.4: Simulating application 1 – Common mechanics 5.5: Simulating application 2 – Modes 5.6: Simulating application 3 – Similar games 5.7: Simulating application 4 – Initial design 5.8: Time constraint 5.9: Resource constraint 5.10: The practical nature of proof 1 5.11: The practical nature of proof 2 5.12: The social nature of proof 1 – Persuasion 5.13: The social nature of proof 2 – Consensus 5.14: Existing simulation of proof 5.15: Simulating proof 1 – Two games 5.16: Simulating proof 2 – Levels 5.17: Simulating proof 3 – Interface 5.18: Outstanding design problems 6: Reliable Reproduction of Practical Knowledge 6.1: The value of reliable progression 6.2: Existing reliable progression 6.3: The nature of difficulty 6.4: The nature of difficulty spikes 6.5: Playthruability 1 – Measure 6.6: Playthruability 2 – Structure 6.7: The optimal method 2 – Conclusion 6.8: The optimal method 3 – Design 6.9: How to design a playthruable progression 6.10: Quantitative intermediation 6.11: Elemental intermediation 1 – Isolation 6.12: Elemental intermediation 2 – Gradual synthesis 6.13: Elemental intermediation 3 – Variation 6.14: Funnel constraint 6.15: Branching progression 6.16: Introducing Super Practica C 7: Design of a Reliable Level-Progression for Mathematics 7.1: Progress in many dimensions 7.2: Level-selection map 7.3: Decreasing guidance 1 – Soft constraint 7.4: Decreasing guidance 2 – Full progression 7.5: Exploring variations 7.6: Increasing speed 7.7: Composing tasks 7.8: Climbing the verificational structure 7.9: Symbolizing pictures 1 – Relation between symbols and pictures 7.10: Symbolizing pictures 2 – Progression 7.11: Collecting methods 7.12: Progression to simulations 1 – Direction 7.13: Progression to simulations 2 – Unlocking 7.14: Continuous revision 8: The Tree of Super Practica 8.1: The empirical framework 8.2: Empirical design problems 8.3: Growth and coverage 8.4: Begin with arithmetic 8.5: Growth along branches 8.6: Holes in coverage 8.7: Unstoppable growth 8.8: The value of unification 8.9: Beyond mathematics 1 – Suitability 8.10: Beyond mathematics 2 – Topics 8.11: Summary 9: Let’s Develop Super Practica 9.1: Open-source development 1 9.2: Open-source development 2 9.3: Proposition for funding 1 9.4: Proposition for funding 2 9.5: Collaborative design 1 – Logical method 9.6: Collaborative design 2 – Iteration 9.7: Collaborative design 3 – Scientific method 9.8: Collaborative design 4 – Shared premises 9.9: Design for the player 9.10: Respect and affirm the player’s freedom 9.11: Aim for optimal design 9.12: Design for humans universally 9.13: Minimize frustration, do not maximize fun 9.14: Materialism 9.15: Pragmatism/Contextualism 9.16: Contextual materialism 9.17: Conclusion A: Notes on Mathematics A.1: Empirical sources for my analysis of the structure of mathematics A.2: Theoretical influences on my analysis of the structure of mathematics A.3: Corroboration of the social nature of proof A.4: Proof that axiomatic proof is simulation A.5: Mathematical mysticism A.6: Reintroducing self-consciousness B: Notes on Games B.1: Methods of game analysis B.2: Interaction design vocabulary B.3: Gamification, mechanization, and specification B.4: Ambiguity in the word “game” B.5: The nature of virtual worlds B.6: The nature of frustration B.7: Operant conditioning in game design B.8: Methods of abusing players for money C: Notes on Practical Knowledge C.1: Empirical sources for my theory of practical knowledge C.2: Theoretical influences on my theory of practical knowledge C.3: The structure and subject of my theory of practical knowledge C.4: Ambiguity in the word “knowledge” C.5: Epistemic ethics of reproducing practical knowledge C.6: The necessity of voluntary play C.7: You learn to play the game as you play the game C.8: The only method of reproducing practical knowledge C.9: Is all knowledge practical knowledge? D: Notes on Education and Psychology D.1: The antiquity of the idea of teaching mathematics by games D.2: Educational theories versus psychological theories D.3: Contrast with constructivist educational theories D.4: Contrast with behaviorist educational theories D.5: The pseudo-empiricism and obsolescence of schooltesting D.6: The efficiency of optimal design E: Notes on the Development of Super Practica E.1: On confidence and failure E.2: Noticing potential improvements E.3: The place of Super Practica in its simulations E.4: Simulating verification E.5: Problems in decreasing guidance E.6: How to design time constraints E.7: There is no progression for increasing accuracy E.8: Direction of progression between solution-domains and problem-domains E.9: Free software vocabulary E.10: What kind of game is Super Practica? Notices Author: Svetogam
169 minutes
35842 words
Including a synopsis and PDF version
The Blueprint has been updated to v1.1! It is now also available as a PDF. Download PDF The most notable difference is the addition of a synopsis which briefly summarizes the main points of each chapter. And now that I have a better idea of what rather belongs on this website and in other documentation, I found a few more bits I could cut to truly say it’s “as brief as I could put it”.
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83 words
December 2024
Overview of planning and progress for future releases
Current Release: Pre-Player-Facing Demo 3 (v0.7.2) For summaries of current and past releases, see the Changelog. Next Major Release: Player-Facing Demo (v0.8.0) Overview Releasing a player-facing demo is the top priority. This demo will initially have only 1 pim and 1 topic containing levels progressing from 1-digit to 2-digit addition. The priority will be to make the start of the full progression of the game enjoyable and easily playable. While low on content, the point is to develop functioning core features that can be reused in future content. Focus will also be given to developing infrastructure and backend systems that will enable faster and more effective development in the future.
4 minutes
723 words
Super Practica v0.7.2 Released
Fun Factor: Exists
Super Practica v0.7.2 is now playable on the Play page! It contains a (mostly) completed topic on “Grid-Counting”, approximating what you can expect to see in a complete release. As you play, you might be surprised to find it’s just a little bit fun. This might be strange because fun is not a priority in Super Practica’s design. Many games are designed to be fun, even to maximize fun, but the aim of Super Practica is only to efficiently reproduce practical knowledge. So why is it just a little bit fun now, and why will it be more fun later?—Because mathematics is inherently fun. By removing frustrations, like removing so much dust or brush, the natural fun of mathematics will shine through more clearly and brightly.
2 minutes
249 words
September 2024
Super Practica v0.7.1 Released
Speed Status: Stalwart Snail
You can now play Super Practica v0.7.1! This release contains a new level set featuring an improved verification system, back after being cut in the last release. According to the theory of the Blueprint, verification is the glue that holds mathematics together: Most mathematical practices are built on top of other mathematical practices, so we can verify the higher practice by the lower. But some mathematical practices are self-sufficient. They include counting, recognizing symmetry in a picture, and noticing the identicality of signs.—These are the foundations of the verificational structure of mathematics.
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July 2024
Super Practica v0.7 Demo Released
First steps on the road to a player-facing demo.
Super Practica v0.7 is now playable on the Play page! The highlights of this release are the redesigned primary interface and level-selection screen. These are finally decent (not thrown together with wild abandon for prototyping purposes) and now approximate what they will look like in the player-facing demo. On the content side, the levels of the previous demo have been cut, and only one small set of simple levels replaces them. This demo doesn’t function as a proof of concept anymore, but these levels represent the first steps on the path to eventually, hopefully, covering the whole rest of mathematics with the optimal method of reproducing practical knowledge. You couldn’t tell just by looking at them though.
2 minutes
306 words
October 2023
Super Practica v0.6 Demo and Blueprint
First public release
This is the first public release of Super Practica! This release consists of a proof-of-concept demo and the “blueprint”, which is kind of like a design document. The demo doesn’t tell the whole story, so it’s necessary to read the blueprint to tell what Super Practica is really about. Super Practica v0.6 Demo Blueprint Video playthrough of the demo The demo is a proof of concept in terms of user interface, game architecture, and progression within and between levels. I call it “v0.6” to reflect the many prototypes and changes of direction I have made up to this point. It’s kind of hard to tell, but it contains the seeds of a revolution. I have explained the idea as briefly as I could in the blueprint. You can also find an explanation of the demo in the description of the demo video.
1 minute
210 words